The concept of trash-talking wasn't born with Belton

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As with any subculture, Madden also has its unique expressions of Madden nfl 22 coins slang. Precise throws have the meaning of "lasers" (self-explanatory). Most throws are one that is a "dot" and you'll be "dotted up" that has somehow mutated from "dart" (less explicit). Also, defensive coverage that is strong was once "bagged," though recently, I've heard YouTubers calling themselves "booked." However, the only one that is logical for me to understand is "mossing" somebody as in when you see a player leap over a corner to catch the ball from the air, influenced by Randy Moss.

However, the hatred for Madden seems to be just an integral part of the popular culture, even though it does appear to be a bit performative at times. The subreddit r/Madden almost completely "rants" about the reasons why the game doesn't work. It's usually is a video of a glitch or bug. The tag #Madden22 on TikTok is a mix of highlights, as well as calling for the busted plays EA ought to fix.

But, of course, if you dislike a video game this much, why keep playing it, all year long?

For Andrew Belton, Madden earns him his keep. He's been playing since 2005 Madden but, most importantly streaming on YouTub since the 2018 Madden. His channel has been growing to the point that the channel earns money from it -- enough to move out of the house of his parents and into an apartment in Brooklyn. (He also sells ebooks containing Madden tips via his Patreon estimated accounts for about a third of his income.)

The concept of trash-talking wasn't born with Belton. Though he's likely to be the most well-known person to do it for Madden on YouTube for Madden, trash-talk videos are quite popular in other sporting games, such as NBA 2K. (Another sport that Belton dislikes is: "I thought Madden was disgusting However, 2K actually has me in a state of buy Mut 22 coins anger... I'm not able to play it; that's how angry it makes for me.")


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