Also, it is possible that thrall lost his warrior

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Garrosh's exposure during Pandaria's mists WOW TBC Gold evil gods called the sha Gods which drove him insane, and gave him that hulking terrible troll body. Before that , even in Icecrown raid you can observe that garrosh was smaller and thrall was larger than garrosh. He also joined the iron horde and got stronger in the hands of those orcs.

I'm sure he worked very hard with his "real iron gangsta bros" as he grew larger and more powerful.

It is also my opinion that Thrall was reserving his words for the entire fight because inside he believed he was the one to blame. He was feeling the same until he had a conversation in Korthia with his mother.

Garrosh knew he needed to be killed however it was only a last resort. Sure, he could have gone the way of the warrior and cut off his head, or cleaved him with an axe or even brutally strike him or smash his head by using the doom-hammer, however maybe that felt too inhuman. The final choice was the electric chair and executed in a single swift strike of lightning. I'm guessing that death was relatively painless to garrosh. He is hit by lightning, and immediately loses consciousness.

I'm trying to show that the warrior within thrall could not take him down. Because that would've been an even more painful and brutal death for garrosh. Honor belongs to the warrior. The wild type is the shaman. The elements are more wild and untamed. They can be pushed or pulled and will destroy you quickly.

Also, it is possible that thrall lost his warrior abilities because he didn't train enough. The majority of his shaman skills after the end to the war, using archimonde. Perhaps thrall is less skilled as a warrior since this time. He has become more warrior-like. He may be able to kill makgora via an axe "for Azeroth!" Just as Helya.

Even though Thrall killed Garrosh by using his shamanistic powers however, he was still feeling guilty about how he dealt with the incident and how Garrosh ended up dying due to Thrall's actions as well as all the other elements that contributed to his losing his power.

Is he truly unable to summon earth bridges? He summons earth bridges in legion and in the sanctum domination. It's more likely to be due to his refusal to apply the powers he used to kill garrosh.

He is not ashamed however he's not ashamed. When he talks to drake, He mentions this to her in korthia. She assures him that cheap Burning Crusade Classic Gold it isn't his responsibility.

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