New World players trapped in settlements

After the recent wealth transfer was closed, New World players found they could not move and were trapped in Windsward.

After the recent wealth transfer was closed, New World players found they could not move and were trapped in Windsward. This week, Amazon had to disable New World’s wealth transfer again because they realized another duplication glitch, which allowed players to copy some rare items and sell them to earn more New World Coins.

In the current state, if transferring wealth is again prohibited in the future, New World may not survive, because the population has decreased drastically. One reason for this is the punishment it punishes workers and gatherers, especially because of their inventory and storage weight restrictions. This usually results in players being trapped in settlements when the economy is closed because they cannot sell anything.

Some players want to get and sell a large amount of water to earn a certain amount of New World Coins. But soon they were restricted from moving. Players tried many ways, but none of them worked.

After the trading ability is restored, players can finally throw everything on the ground, take a few steps back, pick up everything again, and repeat the process until they reach a trading station. Although the player finally found a solution, it further proved that when Amazon prohibited players from using New World Coins to trade on trading post, it did not consider other issues, such as property and territorial taxes or invasion.

Although the state of the game is not very good, New World players appreciate Amazon’s communication and participation. New World may need more time to get out of this stage finally. However, players feel it is worth the wait, and they often buy New World Coins to show that they will continue to support it.

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