It's my opinion that Thrall had not maintained

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I've always been a bit frustrated by how people seemed to WOW TBC Gold ignore the fact that Thrall was an athletic prodigy from the beginning, but I really like his role as a bitching shaman, too. His character hasn't always been in line with the warrior spirit since WotLK.

I'm with you. However, that's not the only thing that's wrong with Garrosh as the char. Although he's been described as an amazing warrior books like the shattering indicate that his father was one. But it is never showed. If it weren't for fraud, he'd have lost to cairne. Let's face it, Thrall could have taken off Cairne at that time. Garrosh is a fantastic warrior. But, based on your argument how much better can his performance be? Not as good as green jesus

The upbringing and training of Thrall. In the years leading up to this point, Thrall hasn't seen actual fights in real life for years maybe a decade more. He led the revolt against prison camps, founded the modern Horde and then moved into a role of leadership, and later, an primarily shamanistic position. He's got muscle memory, and has fought regularly, often going on excursions with the PC. But if you don't take an extended break from everything it's likely that you'll be caught up in it. He's certainly skilled however, maybe not enough to fight an equal or better warrior.

Garrosh's training and upbringing It wasn't always like that. He was sick when he was younger however, he was not always sick. Garrosh along with the other young orcs should be taught and coached by older orcs. I believe Garrosh was the most skilled Garadar orc combat-wise early on. The lack of interest or enthusiasm, however it is rather unfamiliar to me. The novels provide a visual of Garrosh being the kind of person to combat daily with Kor'kron. In his duel with Cairne, his attacks are described as powerful and effective, skilled, but his youthfulness and confidence were eclipsed by the elder tauren's experience. Saurfang also said that he was a great fighter, who had few rivals in combat, but his leadership was inadequate and he was often unable to see the big picture since it was all about the up-close and visible picture. Garrosh was not aware of his natural genetic predisposition to become an intense warrior (he comes from the Warsong clan). Garrosh is a powerful warrior with very few shortcomings.

It's my opinion that Thrall had not maintained his abilities and allowed them to fall to the back of the pack in favour of his shamanistic skills and due to Garrosh's talent and genetic makeup... it's no shock that Garrosh was winning until Thrall summoned the elements.

Thrall isn't sure what he's fighting. He's not fighting Garrosh to bring Garrosh understand his mistake, or to get him killed. Instead, he's fighting Garrosh because he is feeling guilty. Garrosh is, on the other one hand, knows exactly cheap Burning Crusade Classic Gold the reason he's fighting- to punish Thrall. Garrosh kicks Thrall until Thrall realizes there is no saving him and that Garrosh has to be confronted.

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