There will be some eggs that aren't so good

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Many were concerned about the WOW migration's flood of Burning Crusade Classic Gold new players and the possibility of their behavior. Every time I look at some of these posts by an ex WOW vet, I feel encouraged and want to return to tell them to don't worry!

There will be some eggs that aren't so good. There are always bad eggs. There are already some of them in the FFXIV community. There are many more good ones. Many sprouts are looking for the same thrilling adventure we all have the pleasure of sharing.

But there are devs and mods who, in a variety of scale, try to discourage players from coming up with a slam on rude, cruel behaviour. That has resulted in players who don't tolerate that kind of behavior. They transfer that mentality onto others by quickly reporting any bad eggs, and so it all feeds into itself well.

A new player offered a valid point as I've heard that I'm not really consuming his work - that FFXIV's storyline actually encourages its culture. Instead of telling a story in which two teams of players are at war, it's a story that promotes forgiveness and unity even when confronted with conflict.

When our big corporations fight, it's really simply a game in which you'll be hit by the dodgeball (Fire IV is the dodgeball. It is impossible to buy WOW Burning Crusade Classic Gold dodge the dodgeball.) It's enough times when the ref tells you to go back to the start zone before you can rejoin the fight. It's refreshing!

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