So, we'll have to pray that this bug is gonna go

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The NBA 2K22 The Drama Trade Rumors bug solution has 2k22 mt been on minds of every player who has experienced the glitch. That makes sense, considering how destructive the bug can be. It could make you ineligible from a variety of tasks in the game.

It's not even the whole quest. In this article, I'll give you some suggestions on how you can maybe fix the issue. They have helped some people, so I hope that at least one these tips will help you, too. Therefore, with no further delay let's see where we go.

To solve the NBA 2K22 Drama Trade Rumors bug that stops you from finishing the quest and can even stop you from doing much of anything in the game, there are many things you can try. First, you can watch Kendrick's ranting every time on your mobile.

By that, I mean your phone in the game not the real one. It is also possible to alter your apartment's name by changing the settings. Then go back and watch it. There are some additional options you could accomplish, for instance, run the team in a group exercise or complete several side activities, then watching the rant again.

If you're looking for an "official" solution what 2K has been able to provide is installing the game again and / or clearing your cache. So, that's absolutely worth trying if all else fails. Either way, it's an immense annoyance. It's one in a multitude of issues that players have dealt with to date.

Of obviously, the only genuine The Drama Trade Rumors bug fix in NBA 2K22 can come from the game's developers. Luckily, according to the automated messages that players have gotten, 2K and Visual Concepts are well-aware of the problem and are probably working on solutions.

So, we'll have to pray that this bug is gonna go away permanently shortly. While you wait you can check out our other guides to NBA 2K22 many of which deal with various glitches and errors. To mention a few our articles, we've written them like Elevator Problems with Connection Unable to Connect to Server, Disappearing Tattoos Bug fix, as well as 6f8ce31b and 727e66ac Error Code Fix.

NBA 2K22 is out a few weeks back, and with it has come massive amounts of players who are wondering how they can change their 2K22 affiliation. Affiliations can be very important to certain players, and with four it is easy to buy Nba 2k22 Mt be a part of a team that you don't want be. Fortunately, the process is very simple and will take players only a few minutes for them to change to a new affiliation.

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