CONTUO Tips: How to Using A Standing Desk Correctly

Standing desks are starting to become the new normal in many workplaces. While Adjustable Table can be a healthy change for your work ergonomics, there are some key

Standing desks are starting to become the new normal in many workplaces. While Adjustable Table can be a healthy change for your work ergonomics, there are some key tips you should follow to ensure you are getting the most benefit from your new desk. In this article, some important tips to make sure your standing desk is being used correctly.

Proper Positioning of Your Computer Monitor

Position your monitor about an arms length directly in front of you, with the top of the monitor at or below eye level (tilted up to 20 degrees) so that when you’re looking at the center of the screen your line of sight is perpendicular to the screen surface. When dual monitors are used simultaneously, they should be placed side by side with their edges touching. However, if you use one monitor the majority of the time (more than 80% of the time), that monitor should be placed directly in front of you with the other monitor positioned to the side.

Alternate Between Standing and Sitting

Sitting at work has gotten a bad reputation thanks to the standing desk revolution, but remember, it’s not sitting that’s bad for you — it’s sitting too much. Sitting is a natural and healthy position for the human body, but our bodies aren’t designed to sit for 12 hours a day. They also aren’t designed to stand all day long without a break. If you permanently set your adjustable desk to a standing position and never look back, you’ve traded one extreme for another, and that approach won’t work well for most people.

The best approach is to strike a fairly even balance by alternating between periods of sitting and standing. To accomplish this goal, use a timer or an app to provide an alert after a set period of time. And don’t forget to take breaks to walk and move around — neither sitting nor standing in one spot can substitute for the occasional movement your body needs.

Correct footwear

Modern shoes – particularly business attire – are not designed for comfort or considerate of your body’s ergonomics.

Consider bringing a pair of runners to work – or even going barefoot!

We strongly recommend avoiding high heels when using a standing desk. The position that this form of footwear places the body in can increase the stress on the knees and increase low back pain when standing for prolonged periods of time.

How to Properly Stand at a Standing Desk?

You should stand with your feet shoulder width apart.

Keep your wrists straight and in a neutral position to help prevent carpal tunnel syndrome and “computer elbow”.

Keep your head aligned over your shoulders.

Keep your back straight, and your core engaged.

If you'd like to know more about the benefits of adjustable standing desks, electric standing desks or other workplace solutions, get in touch with the team at Stand Up Desk Factory contuodesk or visit our site: