Animal Crossing Items tweet gives a hint at

Animal Crossing Items tweet gives a hint at

As for what items players can currently grab, Isabelle’Animal Crossing Items  tweet gives a hint at what .

available. The most obvious is a large celebratory arch of balloons emblazoned with .

“2022” on the front. These will be the perfect decoration to place in the doorway as you welcome guests to a New Year’s feast. Speaking of food, there seems to be a lot of new LOLGA.COM dishes available to adorn your table as you count down the hours until the new year.All these festive items will come in handy if New Horizons continues its New Year’s Eve countdown event. Last year, with everyone still quarantined at home, New Horizons hosted a fun countdown party with exclusive rewards and limited-time activities for players to take part in. Of course, everyone will have to get